Bookacamp Pricing

With bookacamp you get a first class interface with access from all over the world.
The booking system for tour operators

All prices with VAT included for German customers. EU based companies are subject to reverse-charge taxation.

Booking system

  • All test bookings are free of charge
  • Full access to first class backoffice
  • Features under continuous development
  • Automatic PDF invoice management
  • HTML E-Mail Templates
  • German & english support
  • Access your data everywhere

Basis for negotiation
1 %
per booking
Minimum price 2.00 €


Self Service

0,- €
for free
You register your account and step through our settings by yourself. Easy going.
The structure of Bookacamp is awesome. A few minutes were enough to get an initial overview. Very intuitive.
(Feedback from one of our self-service customer in march 2023)


600,- €
8 hours
We register and setup your account with all settings, email templates and data. The system will immediately be ready to use.


1000,- €
4 hours inhouse
Our support team will introduce the system to your company and explain best practises of usage. Together we optimize your settings and content.

Setup and Training

1225,- €
4 hours inhouse
The premium package is the best starting point to use bookacamp. We setup the system and train your employees. All inclusive. Up and running.

* For inhouse trainings travel- and accommodation expenses will be added.


Volume contracts and special conditions for major customers and non-profit associations on request.


The core system is extended by a list of addons to make the backoffice work perfectly for all your plannings around travel organisation. All prices may are subject to negotiation.

Counselor Management

from 159.00 €
per month
All your teamer recruiting process is done via bookacamp. A capacity planing for your camps is included.


1 %
revenue share
A one page webshop with online payment, to sell vouchers and merchandise. The voucher shop is directly integrated to our core voucher system, that your customers can buy a voucher and redeem it for your camps and events.


1.00 €
per feedback
Fully integrated possibility to get honest and timely reviews of camps, events and programs directly from the customer.

Webdesign & Hosting

As a tour operator or event organizer, you are very familiar with the organization of trips or events and in the rarest of cases there is enough time and know-how to take care of a professional website. Bookacamp can help you to update your existing website or to create a new website that meets the modern requirements for appearance, technology, security and mobile responsiveness. As a rule, we use Wordpress as the basis and expand the basic functionality based on your requirements.

Modern Website

from 3500,- €
We listen to what the new website has to be able to do and develop a first version for viewing and discussion. Based on this suggestion, we will refine the structure and appearance until everyone is satisfied. By using Wordpress there is no limit to the number of pages that can be created. All elements of the new website (images, tables, videos, page structure) are defined centrally and can then be used everywhere. The adaptation to different screen sizes (responsiveness) is just as natural as the integration of the Bookacamp booking forms, landing pages and overviews.

Update existing website

from 90.00 €
per hour
You are satisfied with your current website, but you need updates to the existing technology or new features. Bookacamp is very familiar with the tools available on the market.

The costs for maintenance contracts are of course individual and are negotiated according to the regular effort.

IT Administration

Bookacamp is your partner for every digitalization related question. You need support for Microsoft 365 Administration? Your staff members need a training for the Microsoft Tools Suite, like Teams?


  • User friendly training for MS teams
  • Overview training courses on the functions in the M365 Admin Center


  • Initial setup of the M365 tenant
  • Administration of the M365 environment